
Monday, March 28, 2011

Counting the Days....

I am counting down the days till my wedding. It is so close now that I can almost taste it.  I just cant believe that in just 7 short months I will be Mrs. Jason Cochran. I just cant wait. And to make this moment even better, yesterday I my wedding dress was shipped. My perfect dress will be here in just one short week. When I saw this dress, I cried. I would post a picture of my dress but just in case my wonderful future husband is reading this, I don't want him to see it. But trust me, after the wedding, I will post the wedding photos all over my blog.  I am just so excited. 
The Renaissance Theme that we are doing is just perfect. I want to see my wonderful man standing at the end of the isle waiting for me to walk down and become his wife. And we are getting married under this beautiful arch in my grandparents backyard. It is just going to be wonderful. As I am writing this now I am tearing up. I am just so happy. I am happy that I my dream is finally happening. I have been dreaming about my wedding since I was 14. And now, after being engaged for 2 years, it is finally happening. I will be a married women in just 7 months. And after the wonderful ceremony and reception, my new husband and I will be on a plane to LAX for our 5 day honeymoon at Disneyland, California Adventure, and Hollywood Boulevard. I know I have said it like 17 times or something like that but I am excited. Blessed Be!

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