
Friday, March 11, 2011

A Birthday Wish.....

As most of you who read my blog already know, I am a huge Good Charlotte fan. And today is a very special day. On this day, March 11th, in the year 1979, two very talented men came into the world. Benjamin Levi Madden and Joel Ruben Madden. The graced their parents on a Sunday. These men are well respected musicians and known world wide for their charity work. Their music has touched the hearts of many, including mine. Their lyrics are soothing to the soul and their voices like angles. They have helped me through many hard times in my life. Just one example of a song that has touched the lives of many is Hold On:

"Hold On, if you feel like letting go,
Hold On, its gets better than you know. 
Don't stop looking, your one step closer,
Don't stop searching, its not over
Hold On, if you feel like letting go,
Hold On, It gets better than you know,
Hold On"

That song helped me through times that i thought I wouldn't survive. And many other songs have played huge roles in my life, such as Emotionless. That song helped me get over my father leaving. Their words are shear poetry and I thank them for giving it to the world. Thank you. 

So today a raise a toast to two great men, Benji and Joel. Happy Birthday. 

I would also like to say happy birthday to my friend Mike who is lucky enough to share this day with the Madden twins. Happy Birthday Mike!

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