
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas......

It is the Holiday Season and everywhere I go I see lights and decorations. I love this time of year. It has always been my favorite. I love to spend time with my family and this year is extra special. I get to spend my very first Christmas Eve in 8 years with my dad. This is so exciting. I am glad that My dad and I have reconnected. It is good for both of us and for the kids. The past is the past. I have forgiven my father for all the things that were done in the past and am starting anew. Its very exciting. Plus the boys love that they have yet another grandparent to spoil them. Chandler and Jayden just love their Papa.
And to make thing even better this year, my uncle and his family and coming down from Missouri to spend Christmas with us. My Uncle Tim has always been my favorite uncle. I'm glad they are coming down. We almost never see them because they live out of state. But this year I get to spend time with a lot of my family and that is the best part of Christmas in my book.
And now it is really starting to look a lot like Christmas because we just got finished decorating the inside of the house. It is a Larkin tradition that we get together Christmas Eve to celebrate with the people that are not going to be with us Christmas morning. But this year we are doing one better. When my mother was younger, Christmas Eve was to honor the matriarch of the Larkin Family. Back the it was my Great Grandmother, we called her GiGi. Since she pasted, my grandparents have become the matriarch and patriarch of the Larkin Family and we are bringing that wonderful tradition back to life. This year, Christmas Eve is all about my grandparents. I am very excited. And to top it all off, for the first year ever, we are hosting Christmas Eve at our house. My mom is so excited about it and I cant blame her. I am excited too. I have always wanted to host Christmas Eve. practically everyone in our family has hosted it at least once with the exception of Aunt Cheryl. Its just as exciting as when we got the Telephone Pole Picture. Long story but very funny. Those of you in my family who are reading this know what I'm talking about. I will tell the story of the Telephone Pole Picture later in my blog when it gets past down to me.
But we are now almost all decorated for Christmas with the exception of the outside which Jason is doing today. YAY! We even have some gifts already under the tree. This is going to be by far the best Christmas I have ever had. I cant wait. Blessed Be!

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