
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cookies, Cookies, and more Cookies!

I love this family tradition. All the women in the family and some friends all get together on what we call Cookie Day. A day full of making lots and lots of cookies. So many that it is hard to keep track of the types we make. But it is always fun. This year, we all showed up at my Grandma's house on Sunday, December 12th at 9:00am. We started the baking as soon as everyone got there. Sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, tarts, brownies, and God knows what else. Tons and tons of cookies and treats. It was a blast. With everyone there helping, we were actually done before 8:00pm. LOL. 
We made so many cookies that we had to bring in another table so that we could fit them all. It is so much fun to spend time baking with the family. And of course there are no men allowed at cookie day but sometimes we make an exception. My kids were there and so was my cousin Ryan and his friend. They actually helped a lot and my boys had so much fun. They loved decorating the sugar cookies and even stole a few tastes of the frosting.  But then again, they are little ones. It is to be expected. Chandler also did a wonderful job making Chocolate Covered Pretzels. They were delicious. Plus, they were a huge hit. Everyone took a lot of them home. 
And of course, what everyone looks forward to, we braked for lunch and had the famous Cookie Day Meat. I don't know the recipe but just trust me it is good. It surprises me that we even have any left after the day is done. However it does make a yummy lunch the next day.
And after all was said and done and we had no more cookies to bake, my grandmother made us girls, well the ones who were old enough, some Tom Collins and we all rested and reflected on another great year. Great friends, great family, great experience. I can't wait until next year to do it all over again. Blessed Be!

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