
Monday, January 24, 2011

Busy New Year!

This has been a very bust new year so far. I had my birthday so I am officially 23 years old and I love it. My wedding is now only months away and I am very excited. Jason and I have decided to do a Renaissance Themed Wedding. I cant wait. It is very cool. We figured since we are getting married on Halloween, we should do something interesting. We are also gonna go to the Renaissance Festival this year. It will be so fun especially since Jason has never been. It is good research for our wedding. It just amazes me that in just 9 short months I will be Mrs. Jason Cochran. I have been waiting for this for a long time. 
And that is not all. Christmas was fun. This boys got some really cool things. And shortly after Christmas, Jason and I decided that the boys were too old for a room that was painted baby blue. We repainted their whole room and also redid their bed. That you Dad for the wonderful beds that you got for the kids but they kept breaking so Jason and I did some remodeling. Also did some painting of the bed as well. The boys just love their new room. I do to. It makes me sad to know that I no longer have babies anymore. I have kids. They are getting so big. Chandler is going to be 4 in July followed by Jayden turning 2. They grow up so fast. My sweet little boys are not so little anymore. 
The one sad thing that has happened in 2011 is that my sweet little baby Dongwa has still not come home. I miss him so much. I hope he comes home soon. Well for now I guess that is it. Blessed Be!!!

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