
Monday, May 2, 2011

Our America...

As I am sure most of you already know, Osama Bin Laden has finally been killed. A goal that took our country 10 years to achieve. And I know that gave Obama a nice set of votes for the next presidential election. But what I am sure most people are not worrying about right now is the chaos that is stirring in our own backyards. 
I foresee that after the election of a new president, our country is going to break out into a civil war. And I just have to say that if that does happen, my boys and I are gonna hop our happy butts over the Canadian border. That's right, I will leave this country. America is supposed to be a country full of people that stand up for their beliefs but also that stands together as a nation. Our country is dividing. It is gonna be the Obama hatters vs. the rest of us. And I would rather leave the country I grew up in, the country I love, then to be forced to hate people I know, that I care about. I will not look into the eyes of a loved on and kill them because that is what our side does. It will not happen. So if any of you are like me, I will see you in Canada one day. Blessed Be!

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