
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

25 Days

Only 25 more days till i get to see the totally awesome Good Charlotte in concert here in Tucson at the Rialto Theater. I am stoked. I saw them in concert back in 2008 but that was at the Marque and that is a big venue. The Rialto is small so no matter where I am at I will be able to see them clear as day. No more crappy picture. I will be getting some good ones. Plus I am going with my cousin who is awesome and fellow Good Charlotte fan. It is gonna rock. Blythe says that she is gonna help me get Benji's shoe. I probably wont but it is worth a shot. I just cant wait. I am counting down the days on my Facebook page. It is gonna ROCK! Blessed be to all.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Up and Down Day...

I guess you could say that today is happy and sad at the same time. On the happy side, my best friend Heather is only one month from the birth of her son. She is due June 11th and is so excited. This is her first baby and she is having a boy which is what she has wanted forever. She even picked a really cool name. She is going to name him Roddrick. It is awesome. And we are having her baby shower this Saturday. I am so happy for her. Growing up all her and I wanted was to be moms and now we both are. Its great!
And then to make today happier, in one month  and one day, I will be attending a concert by my favorite band, Good Charlotte. And the best part is that they are coming to a small venue so no matter where I am, I will see them up close. I so can't wait.
But then we go to a sad/happy note. I am not sure whether or not I should even be sad. Today is my cat's 9th birthday. If you have been following me from the start, you will know that my cat, Dongwa, went missing in November 2010. I still see him now and then but can never get him to come home. I miss he so much but I know that the only reason he has not come back is because he believes that he is no longer needed here and needs to go make another witch happy. I still miss him but in the happiest of ways, I say Happy Birthday Dongwa John. I love you.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our America...

As I am sure most of you already know, Osama Bin Laden has finally been killed. A goal that took our country 10 years to achieve. And I know that gave Obama a nice set of votes for the next presidential election. But what I am sure most people are not worrying about right now is the chaos that is stirring in our own backyards. 
I foresee that after the election of a new president, our country is going to break out into a civil war. And I just have to say that if that does happen, my boys and I are gonna hop our happy butts over the Canadian border. That's right, I will leave this country. America is supposed to be a country full of people that stand up for their beliefs but also that stands together as a nation. Our country is dividing. It is gonna be the Obama hatters vs. the rest of us. And I would rather leave the country I grew up in, the country I love, then to be forced to hate people I know, that I care about. I will not look into the eyes of a loved on and kill them because that is what our side does. It will not happen. So if any of you are like me, I will see you in Canada one day. Blessed Be!