
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Just Living Life...

Sorry it has been a while. Just been living it up with my kidos. It has been hard since Jason left but we are dealing. The boys don't seem to miss him at all. They are strong little dudes. Well he have just been having a blast together. For the first time I took my kids to the zoo by myself. I was very proud. They loved it. I did to. It was nice to get out of the house. We don't do that much these days. 
Zoo trip was fun though. I wanted the kids to feed the giraffes. They were so excited about doing it. That is, until they got up to the giraffes and saw how big they were. Then they got scared. But we still had fun. They learned a lot too. There was docents all over the zoo. Everywhere we went, the boys learned about animals. They were so cute. 
I have been just doing school work and wait impatiently for the semester to end. Its getting close. I have done all my midterms and only have 6 or 7 weeks left. Doing good though. And I am getting over Jason. I have actually gone out on a date. No second date for that guy though. He spent the whole time making jokes about my age. He was 33 so he thought it would be funny to poke fun at how young I am the whole time. It got annoying real quick. But I do have a date with this other guy on Friday. I am looking forward to this date. This guy is perfect for me. He plays guitar, he sings, he is so hot, he loves kids, he has a kid, and the best part of all is he has a real job. the 3 years Jason and I were together, he olny had one job and he quit it like the day after I had Jayden. But this guy has a good job. Hoping that he isn't to weird or sarcastic to where I would now go on a second date. But we have been taling for a while now and I am really starting to like him.
I guess that is all for now. I am sorry for any of you that have been following my other blog, Needles and Hooks, but I have just not had a whole lot of time to knit or crochet. But I promise I will have another video up soon. Hope everyone had a good Halloween. Ours was good. Had a good Samhain as well. Blessed Be to all!!!

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