
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Checking in from Flagstaff!

I am here in Flagstaff, AZ with my loving family. My grandmother, cousin, my kids and I all came here for a nice little vacation. I love it here. It is so nice. Not near as hot as Tucson. I am loving all the green and the kids are loving the pool and the fact that the condo we are staying in has an upstairs. We have been having a fun time. We are here till Friday and I will be so sad when we leave. It is so beautiful up here. The vacation resort we are staying at has a nice little recreation center with a nice pool that the kids loved. It also has a mini golf course. I have yet to take the kids but I will.
Tomorrow we are going to go to downtown Flagstaff and do an art class with the children. I think it will be really fun. Today we did the mall. The boys played in the little play place and my cousin, Blythe, and I shopped a little. We went to Hot Topic and got some T-shirts. We had a lot of fun. Sorry for the lack of pictures. I am using my grandmothers laptop and I don't have any pictures on it yet. 
We still have lots of fun things to do this week and I cant wait to see the other things my grandma has in store.
One thing that I am doing this week is not smoking. I didn't bring any cigarets with me on this trip. I did get a little crazy today and attempted to walk to a store that might have some but there is not any store even close to where we are staying. I think Blythe  and I walked for like 5 miles and found nothing so we came home. It was a good thing though because I think that if I can make it this week without smoking I may be able to finally quit. I am hoping. 
Well I guess that is all for now. I will check in again when I am back home. And that time I will have photos. Blessed Be!

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