
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Only 8 more days....

Only 8 more days till I get to see the greatest band ever preform live at the Rialto Theater, here in Tucson. I cant wait. I am gonna get there early so that Blythe and I can be right up front. I want to be able to smell the sweat dripping of of the amazingly hot members of Good Charlotte. 
Of course, I will only be up front if my stupid ankle heals in time. Just 4 days ago, I fell through my porch stairs and sprained my ankle something fierce. The doctor said I would be fine for my concert and I hope so, because I do not want to go to this concert on crutches. That would suck. But what wont suck is that I will be so close to my wonderful Benji Madden that I could reach out and touch him. Well at least that is what I am hoping for. I really want to be able to ask Benji for some article of his clothing. I know that sounds weird but I have always wanted something that he has worn. I am not a stocker, as I am sure most of you are thinking, I am just a big fan. I just cant wait. Only 8 more days baby WOOT! Blessed Be!

Photo is from Good Charlotte Concert in 2008 that I went to and is of Benji and Joel

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