
Friday, November 18, 2011

Just another day....

Been having fun with the kids these past few days. Getting ready for Thanksgiving. The boys and I are gonna make mashed potatoes. It will be super fun. I will make sure to take photos of them mashing the potatoes so I can put them up on my blog for all to see. They really are such adorable little boys. I feel very blessed to have my little ones. My whole life I have wanted to be a mother and now that I am, it doesn't seem real at times. Some days I wake up and see my little boys laying in bed and think, I am so lucky to have them. I cant believe that I am mom. I may have started young but it was worth it. I would not change any of it. My sons are my whole world and they have good fathers. I may not be with the fathers but I know they love my kids. 
Jim has always been a great daddy, Has been since before Chandler was born. Chandler loves him to death and I am so happy that he is in his life. I love to see them together, the way the act when they are together. I know it has been hard for Chandler not having Jim around since he went to boot camp. However, I do know that once Jim is done and has a stable home, Chandler will be spend lots of time with him. Jim is one of my best friends and I know it did not work out between us but I know it was for the best. We were meant to be friends, not lovers. Because he now has an amazing wife and 4 step kids that are so lucky to have him. I miss my friend and I know Chandler misses him too. But it wont be long now. 
Jason is a good father too. Jayden loves him so much. Sometimes it may seem that Jayden doesn't miss him but the second he sees a picture or hears us talk about him, he wants his daddy. It is so sweet how much he loves him. I just wish he could see him more often. I know it is hard on Jayden and Jason not being together all the time. But I am hoping that soon, Jayden will get to spend time with his father. 
I did not intend on this post to be about my sons fathers but that's what it ended up being. Oh well, needed to be said. I made so cute little babies and I could not have done it without the help of the men my boys call Daddy. Blessed Be!

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