
Sunday, December 5, 2010


Ok so I am watching Nip/Tuck and loving it. this show is awesome. I am only on season 2 but I cant wait to see more. Some of the things that these men have to go through is just shocking. Now, I'm not gonna give anything away. I don't want to ruin the show for those who have not seen it. However, if you have not seen it i extremely recommend it. It is an amazing show and I am really enjoying it as I'm sure many others have and those who have not seen will.
Now one this I will say is that I have a favorite character. Dr. Christian Troy, played by the sexy Julian McMahon, is a really great character. As I am sure everyone has seen from previews of the show, he is an arrogant S.O.B., but you gotta love him. McMahon did such an amazing actor and portrays this character perfectly. Sometimes it really makes you think if McMahon is like that in real life because he does it so well.
Well I know this was a short post but I have to get back to this amazing show. I really hope that those who read this will watch the show. It is totally worth it! Blessed Be!

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