
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Joel Madden and Nicole Richie Wed!

I know that most people reading this may think that I have no life but their wrong. The only reason I am posting this is because I an a huge Good Charlotte fan and I find this all AWESOME!
Joel Madden and Nicole Richie. Such a cute couple. I have always thought so, even though in the beginning I was a little jealous. But I have always like Benji more. LOL. Now reading this you will see that I know much more about Joel then I do Nicole, but hey, whatever. As I said before, I am a huge Good Charlotte fan. I mean, if I didn't have a life, like kids and a family, and if I had the money, I would be traveling the globe going to every concert. Yes, I'm that crazy LOL. 
Joel Rueben Madden, born March 11, 1979, Is the lead singer of my favorite band, Good Charlotte. This band is kick ass, I just have to say. If you have never listened to them, you should. The band also consists of Joel's twin brother, Benji Madden (lead guitar and back-up vocals), Billy Martin (guitar and keyboard), Paul Thomas (Bass Guitar), and Dean (Deano) Butterworth(drums). I know that most of that is not relevant but I had to add it. Joel is 31, a father of two, and now a husband and I couldn't be happier. I love to see the members of my favorite band happy and loving life. Even though I wasn't to thrilled with the whole Benji and Paris relationship but I think that is because I am a little biased since you know, I love him LOL.
Then on the other end, We have lovely Nicole. Nicole Camille Richie, daughter of famous singer Lionel Richie, born September 21, 1981, is a socialite, actress, fashion designer, and wonderful mother of two. She stared in a television show beside he best friend Paris Hilton called The Simple Life that lasted from 2003 to 2007. She also has done a lot of designing and in 2010, won "Entrepreneur of the Year" for her House of Harlow 1960 brand jewelry line at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards. She also has a woman's line, Winter Kate, and a maternity line that can be found at A Pea in a Pod
And if these two wonderful people couldn't get any better, they started a charity called The Richie Madden Childrens Foundation in November 2007, just one year after the two started dating. In 2010, Joel and Nicole opened a childrens playground in LA to encourage kids to get outside and play. It was funded by their charity. How sweet right.
In 2007, the happy couple found out that they were expecting. And sure enough, on January 11, 2008, little Harlow Winter Kate Madden was born. The start of their beautiful family. Now two, Harlow definitely looks like her daddy. Of course, you can see some of her mother in there as well, but mostly, she took after Joel and is one of the cutest kids I have ever seen. You know, other then my own who are the cutest in the whole world LOL. And then to add to their joyous family, they found out that they were expecting yet another little baby to love. Sparrow James Midnight Madden was born September 9, 2009. Now 15 months, you can see a little of Joel and Nicole in that sweet baby boy. However, now that he has a mohawk, he looks more like daddy LOL. 
It is amazing that these two people manage their careers, family, and charities. I find it difficult just to manage my family LOL. An then to top it all off, on December 11, 2010, Joel and Nicole gathered together with family and friends and declared their love to each other in marriage. The wedding I'm sure was beautiful. I kinda wish I was there LOL. They even had a live elephant greeting their guests at the door. Nicole said she always wanted an elephant at her wedding. I just can't believe that after 4 years and 2 kids, they finally tied the knot and became husband and wife. I couldn't be more happy and thats the truth. I told you I have always been more of a Benji girl LOL. They are a really cute family.

All information was from, People Magazine, and my head LOL.          

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wishing for you to come home.....

I miss my sweet little cat. Well, maybe little isn't the right word. He is my baby no matter what anyone says. My Dongwa is my familiar. He is like another child to me. I have had him for 8 wonderful years. He is such a cuttle-bug. Always purring and wanting to be pet. He has been missing for over a month now. He went missing November 7, 2010. I know he is still out there. I know he is still alive. He is a fighter and always has been. He will make it home someday. I know he will. But I guess to really understand Dongwa, you have to know him. I am going to take you readers on a ride. Through the life of my beloved cat. My Dongwa. I will tell you all about him and maybe then you will see why he is so important to me and why I love him so much. Why I miss him so much.
Dongwa John Larkin was born May 11, 2002. It was Mother's Day and I had just finished having a party at my grandparents house to celebrate. My mom said I could go to my friends house. It was freshmen year of high school. I was 14. My friends cat was pregnant and she promised that I could have one of the kittens. I actually ended up taking two. When Dongwa was born, I knew he was the one I wanted. He was smaller then the rest, not that you could tell now. He was sweet with a head way to big for his body. I knew he was my familiar the minute I picked him up. 
I had just discovered my religion right before I got him. I was Wiccan and proud to be. I never thought I needed a familiar because so many other witches didn't have them. But when I saw him. When I saw Dongwa I knew he was the key to my powers. 
As the years went on, he became one with me. As soon as I came home from school, he was there at the door, waiting. He spent the whole night with me as we did rituals. He is best friend. 
He got much bigger as the years went on and by 2005, he was 35 pounds of pure muscle. Whenever someone new came to my house they were scared of him. But he was always so gentle. I called him my panther. He looked like one too. Only with pointy ears as appose to round. He was always there for me. NO matter what happened in my life he was there to comfort me.
Some people don't believe that animals can understand humans but I believe they can. I believe that Dongwa knew everything I was saying to him and responded to the best of his ability. Dongwa could even meow what sounded like "I love you".
About 3 years ago, he got sick. I believe it was his kidneys. He dropped from 35 pounds of muscle to 6 pounds in less then two weeks. I thought I was going to lose him forever. Around that time is when I got Billy. He was meant to be my mothers cat but attached to me instead. I believe that Dongwa thought he was there to replace him. Even though no cat could ever replace my baby. But I see Billy as my miracle cat. Because of him, Dongwa fought his sickness with all he could. Within weeks I could see a change in Dongwa. He was gaining weight back and his coat was shinier then ever. About a month after Billy came into our lives, Dongwa was back to being a healthy, happy cat weighing in at 16 pounds of pure fat LOL.
This is the most recent picture I have of my sweet little baby. This was taken only a week before he went missing. If anyone reading this happens to live in the Tucson, Arizona area and has seen him, please let me know. He went missing around Roger and Flowing Wells. I have signs posted all over my neighborhood and the Circle K at the corner has a poster too. My information is on that poster. Please, I miss him so much. I just want him home. If anyone has seen him or knows where he is, please contact me. I hope he comes home safely. I will never give up my search for him. I love him dearly. Dongwa please come home! 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cookies, Cookies, and more Cookies!

I love this family tradition. All the women in the family and some friends all get together on what we call Cookie Day. A day full of making lots and lots of cookies. So many that it is hard to keep track of the types we make. But it is always fun. This year, we all showed up at my Grandma's house on Sunday, December 12th at 9:00am. We started the baking as soon as everyone got there. Sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, tarts, brownies, and God knows what else. Tons and tons of cookies and treats. It was a blast. With everyone there helping, we were actually done before 8:00pm. LOL. 
We made so many cookies that we had to bring in another table so that we could fit them all. It is so much fun to spend time baking with the family. And of course there are no men allowed at cookie day but sometimes we make an exception. My kids were there and so was my cousin Ryan and his friend. They actually helped a lot and my boys had so much fun. They loved decorating the sugar cookies and even stole a few tastes of the frosting.  But then again, they are little ones. It is to be expected. Chandler also did a wonderful job making Chocolate Covered Pretzels. They were delicious. Plus, they were a huge hit. Everyone took a lot of them home. 
And of course, what everyone looks forward to, we braked for lunch and had the famous Cookie Day Meat. I don't know the recipe but just trust me it is good. It surprises me that we even have any left after the day is done. However it does make a yummy lunch the next day.
And after all was said and done and we had no more cookies to bake, my grandmother made us girls, well the ones who were old enough, some Tom Collins and we all rested and reflected on another great year. Great friends, great family, great experience. I can't wait until next year to do it all over again. Blessed Be!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas......

It is the Holiday Season and everywhere I go I see lights and decorations. I love this time of year. It has always been my favorite. I love to spend time with my family and this year is extra special. I get to spend my very first Christmas Eve in 8 years with my dad. This is so exciting. I am glad that My dad and I have reconnected. It is good for both of us and for the kids. The past is the past. I have forgiven my father for all the things that were done in the past and am starting anew. Its very exciting. Plus the boys love that they have yet another grandparent to spoil them. Chandler and Jayden just love their Papa.
And to make thing even better this year, my uncle and his family and coming down from Missouri to spend Christmas with us. My Uncle Tim has always been my favorite uncle. I'm glad they are coming down. We almost never see them because they live out of state. But this year I get to spend time with a lot of my family and that is the best part of Christmas in my book.
And now it is really starting to look a lot like Christmas because we just got finished decorating the inside of the house. It is a Larkin tradition that we get together Christmas Eve to celebrate with the people that are not going to be with us Christmas morning. But this year we are doing one better. When my mother was younger, Christmas Eve was to honor the matriarch of the Larkin Family. Back the it was my Great Grandmother, we called her GiGi. Since she pasted, my grandparents have become the matriarch and patriarch of the Larkin Family and we are bringing that wonderful tradition back to life. This year, Christmas Eve is all about my grandparents. I am very excited. And to top it all off, for the first year ever, we are hosting Christmas Eve at our house. My mom is so excited about it and I cant blame her. I am excited too. I have always wanted to host Christmas Eve. practically everyone in our family has hosted it at least once with the exception of Aunt Cheryl. Its just as exciting as when we got the Telephone Pole Picture. Long story but very funny. Those of you in my family who are reading this know what I'm talking about. I will tell the story of the Telephone Pole Picture later in my blog when it gets past down to me.
But we are now almost all decorated for Christmas with the exception of the outside which Jason is doing today. YAY! We even have some gifts already under the tree. This is going to be by far the best Christmas I have ever had. I cant wait. Blessed Be!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Ok so I am watching Nip/Tuck and loving it. this show is awesome. I am only on season 2 but I cant wait to see more. Some of the things that these men have to go through is just shocking. Now, I'm not gonna give anything away. I don't want to ruin the show for those who have not seen it. However, if you have not seen it i extremely recommend it. It is an amazing show and I am really enjoying it as I'm sure many others have and those who have not seen will.
Now one this I will say is that I have a favorite character. Dr. Christian Troy, played by the sexy Julian McMahon, is a really great character. As I am sure everyone has seen from previews of the show, he is an arrogant S.O.B., but you gotta love him. McMahon did such an amazing actor and portrays this character perfectly. Sometimes it really makes you think if McMahon is like that in real life because he does it so well.
Well I know this was a short post but I have to get back to this amazing show. I really hope that those who read this will watch the show. It is totally worth it! Blessed Be!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Merry Christmas!

The first day of December. Sometimes I can't believe that this year has passed by so fast. I look back over the year and I had so much fun. My boys had their birthdays parties, I went to a rockin' concert with my mom, I celebrated my 2 year anniversary, and every minute of it was the best. I even spent some time with my soon-to-be in-laws and that was even nice. I can't wait for Christmas. It is my favorite time of year. I love spending time with my family. 
I know the kids are going to love this month. My grandma made them this really cute Christmas house that has a gift for every day of the month till Christmas. They already opened day one and got candy. Chandler wants to open every other day right now but I told him he had to wait. He is so excited. He wants to write a letter to Santa and I told him I would help him. He is so excited. It really is cute. I don't think I have seen Chandler this excited for Christmas before. I guess its because he is getting older. I love this age. He is just so cute and talkative. He has told everyone that we know that he wants a monster truck for Christmas. That was the first thing he had me put on his Christmas wish list. He is to cute.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Yule and  hope that your Holiday season is the best part of your year. Seasons Greetings to all.