
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finally Fixed

I did it! I knew that I just had to let him know how much I loved him. We are good now. We are back to getting married in October and I got my ring back. I am so happy. I was so worried but now I have nothing to worry about. Now all I have to do is make sure I don't do something stupid like that again. I love Jason to much to ruin this relationship. WE are going to get married and live happily ever after. Ok, I know that's probably not true but I like to dream lol.
I am going to really work on my anger and make sure that we do not fight as much and never in front of the boys. They don't need to see us fight. That is not good for them and all this fighting is not good for our family all together. I know it has taken a toll on my mom and I hate that my mom feels that she needs to leave the house just to get some peace. It's not fair and I know that. I know that I have some issues that I need to work on in order to control my anger. I don't know what it is but I just get frustrated so easily. Its a curse really. But I am going to work at and work at it until I no longer am screaming. Jason and I need to work on communicating more instead of yelling and we will.
Eventually we will get better and we wont fight so much. This just proves that Love is Forever!

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