
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Life is a roller coaster...

Sorry it has been so long. I know I have been starting my posts like that for a while now. Things have just been very crazy around here. I am very sad to say that Jason and I are no longer together. It was ended a little over a week ago. It was a mutual split but still hurts. He however will say I am the one that dumped him but to me it doesn't matter. I have been having some issues this last week. I don't really know how to function without him yet. He was a huge part of my life for 3 years. And as I look back at my adult life, I have never truly been alone. I have always had a boyfriend or roommate. And now, not having Jason, I am realizing that I need to be alone for a while. Spend some time just focusing on me and the kids. Just the three of us. 
I still hate laying in bed, not having Jason there. I guess I just have to get used to being apart from him and being alone with no men. No emotional complications. Not entirely sure how I will do but I will try. Blessed Be!