
Monday, August 1, 2011

Sorry it has been so long.

I'm sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. It has been a bust month. Obviously I am back from Flagstaff. Though, I wish I was still there. I loved it there.  But Tucson is my home and it is where I am to stay. At least for the next couple of years. I have enrolled in Pima Community College and will be starting my first class on August 24th. I am excited that I am back in school. I am going to get an Art degree. I am majoring in Art History with a minor in Photography. I am happy that I am doing this finally. I think I am in a place where I can now. I have my depression and anxiety under control for the most part. Plus I will be doing my first class, which is Pre-Algebra (Ugh), with my brother, who also just enrolled. We are going for the same degree but his major is in sculptural art, like glassblowing and ceramics. However, all of our Gen Ed classes are practically the same. 
My kids have been having a blast since their birthday with all the toys they got. Jayden is getting really good at talking and Chandler is almost able to write his whole name. I couldn't be happier. Jason is having some trouble with his schooling but we are working it out. Our anniversary is coming up on Tuesday. August 2nd we will have been together for three years. My longest relationship ever. I know some people might not think so, but I am happy with Jason. He is the love of my life. I could not imagine life without him. We have, however, chosen to postpone our wedding till December 15th of next year. Money is just super tight right now and we did what we had to do.
So that is pretty much this last month in a nut shell. I will try to blog more often. Sorry it had been so long. Blessed Be!