
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Checking in from Flagstaff!

I am here in Flagstaff, AZ with my loving family. My grandmother, cousin, my kids and I all came here for a nice little vacation. I love it here. It is so nice. Not near as hot as Tucson. I am loving all the green and the kids are loving the pool and the fact that the condo we are staying in has an upstairs. We have been having a fun time. We are here till Friday and I will be so sad when we leave. It is so beautiful up here. The vacation resort we are staying at has a nice little recreation center with a nice pool that the kids loved. It also has a mini golf course. I have yet to take the kids but I will.
Tomorrow we are going to go to downtown Flagstaff and do an art class with the children. I think it will be really fun. Today we did the mall. The boys played in the little play place and my cousin, Blythe, and I shopped a little. We went to Hot Topic and got some T-shirts. We had a lot of fun. Sorry for the lack of pictures. I am using my grandmothers laptop and I don't have any pictures on it yet. 
We still have lots of fun things to do this week and I cant wait to see the other things my grandma has in store.
One thing that I am doing this week is not smoking. I didn't bring any cigarets with me on this trip. I did get a little crazy today and attempted to walk to a store that might have some but there is not any store even close to where we are staying. I think Blythe  and I walked for like 5 miles and found nothing so we came home. It was a good thing though because I think that if I can make it this week without smoking I may be able to finally quit. I am hoping. 
Well I guess that is all for now. I will check in again when I am back home. And that time I will have photos. Blessed Be!

Friday, July 8, 2011

GC Concert Rocked!

I know that it has been quite a while since the concert, but i have been busy. It was awesome though. I was so close, I loved it. They played a lot of older songs from the other albums which was cool. Of course I knew all the songs. It was epic. They really know how to put on a show. Blythe and I didn't stay for Yellowcard but Runner Runner was awesome. Then, of course, Good Charlotte was the best. Blythe and I had so much fun. 
We got there early, which was good because there was already a crap load of people in front of us. Not to bad though. We were still up next to the stage. As we were waiting in line, a guy was walking around with a camera asking people if they wanted to be in a GC music video. Of course, I said yes and did some dumb little dances on camera. It was the video for 1979 and I cant wait to see if I am in it. 
Runner Runner was real good. They knew haw to put on a show. After GC, we met one of the Runner Runner guys. He was awesome. Good Charlotte came on and everyone screamed, including me. I was super excited. Benji looked so hot. So did all of them but you know me, I am a Benji girl all the way. The show was awesome. Benji was making us all laugh because every time Joel was talking, Benji would interrupt and say that he was talking now. Although, Benji used the word "man" a lot. He actually sounded stoned the whole time but maybe he just talks like he is stoned a lot. It didn't make him any less hot. The show was great and we got some good stuff from the Merch stand. I got a shirt and a necklace and Blythe got a shirt and bracelet. We had a blast and I cant wait till they come to town again so I can see them again. Blessed Be!